I'm Franck Zhang, a software engineer living in Paris, currently working @ Doctolib


Doctolib - Full Stack

March 2020 - Present

Working on a new product for the practitioner which handle the billing of a patient during a consultation, made 1 millions bills with an average increase of bills of 50% since launch in March 2021

React Ruby on Rails e2e (capybara)

IWD - FrontEnd

Sep 2018 - Feb 2020 (1 year 6 months)

Working on a SaaS that helps brands (Dior, Louis Vuitton, ...) in multiple ways like managing their merchandising as well as their networks of points of sale

ReactJS Redux Jest Code review ES6

Yoopies - Full Stack

Feb 2018 - August 2018 (6 months)

I improved the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool by revamping the existing features and adding new ones. I made generic and reusable components, revamp the appointment process for self-employed people

VueJS Symfony GraphQL Bootstrap Intercom Calendly ES6

YBCDATA - Full Stack

Aug 2016 - Jan 2017 (6 months)

I developed the Datascientest.com B2B platform from scratch. Using a responsive design with bootstrap, authentication system, emailing

JavaScript Bootstrap PHP HTML5 CSS3 Python


May 2021

As a huge fan of the game Genshin Impact, I decided to create a website for that, where I wrote my guides and articles during my free time, it has been also an opportunity to try new technologies like gatsbyJS and tailwindcss

GatsbyJS tailwindcss GraphQL leafletjs


July 2018 - August 2018

An SPA project using the Hiking Project API, where users can visualize and filter available trails, more details on the github page

ReactJS Redux ES6 SCSS

Personal website

July 2018 - August 2018

This website ! Responsive and built with VueJS and Bulma, I have tweaked some webpack / NGINX configuration in order to optimize the performance thanks to GTmextrix

VueJS Bulma SCSS NGINX CD/CI ES6 Optimization / Performance

    Simulation of an elevator

    August 2018

    Simulate an elevator inside a building going from floor to floor, making stops when necessary. It is a technical test from MakeMeReach company, it was quite challenging because I never did RxJS and it was not obvious to plug my own code into the provided backbone of the application but I really enjoyed !

    ReactiveX/rxjs ES6

    Playing with ReactJS

    February 2018

    Display data from API files, it is a technical test from IWD company, I never try ReactJS until I did this test and I enjoyed it but I preferred to stick with VueJS instead at that time

    ReactJS Chart.js ES6


    May 2017 - January 2018

    Build an API and a B2B website, it is a project with a team of 4 people. I was in charge of the home layout, dashboard sidebar, dynamic FAQ, user settings, testable API pages

    VueJS Moment.js axios ES6